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What really happens at your check up


Updated: Dec 18, 2018

Your Oral Health is important to you - we hope.

Your Oral Health is important to us too.

That is why, at your check up, all of our highly trained dentists are using their expertise to examine your whole mouth thoroughly, identifying any issues as they arise.

Sat in the dentist's chair however, you may not be aware of exactly what they are checking!

so, did you know that:

1: We check the health and stability of any existing restorations (ie. crowns/bridges)

2:  We check the health of your gums

3:  We check for the presence of any plaque as it can cause serious problems

4:  The TLCS - Tongue, lips, cheek, skin are checked

5:  We give you an Oral Cancer Screening

6:  We check the health of your jaw joints

7:  Your bite is checked for health and comfort

8:  We take dental Xrays to check under, inside and between your teeth

9:  These dental xrays are studied to ensure bone levels around your teeth are healthy

10: Refer you to our hygienist if required

For further information or advice contact College Street Dental Centre in Petersfield, Hampshire on 01730 263180


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