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The Teeth-Tweakments That Benefit Your Smile Aesthetic


Updated: Dec 18, 2018

An estimated 80 percent of people do not brush the right places, or brush aggressively or fail to brush long enough. The use of the new Genius 9000 electric toothbrush, the brainiest tooth brush, gives a brighter and whiter smile.

Key takeaways:

Laser contouring helps to reshape a "gummy smile."

Icon, a revolutionary whitening treatment, has been used to get rid of fluorosis, the white spots found on individual teeth.

Smile sculpting through the use of Botox has helped people get the perfect smile. A Botox injection on the two sides of the nostrils helps to lift the upper lip.

If you’re looking to expand your smile, new nuances in brace technology, including ‘arch expansion’ (widening the upper jaw so the top and bottom teeth fit together better), can help.

Read the full story here

For further information or advice contact College Street Dental Centre in Petersfield, Hampshire on 01730 263180


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