We are currently on a mission to try and get rid of uncomfortable and unsightly dentures forever by replacing them with fixed dental implants.
Can you help us in our quest? Maybe you know someone who currently wears dentures?
People who wear dentures often complain about not being able to eat what they want to eat because of difficulty in chewing or getting food trapped. Denture wearers also suffer longer term with bone loss in their jaws. Dentures that once fitted, become loose and irritable as well as give the face a ‘sunken’ appearance.
How can dental implants help stop bone loss?
This is one of the most important features of dental implants: everyday functions like eating stimulate the surrounding bone to become stronger and more dense.
Denture wearers looking for an alternative solution for their dentures, can come and see Dr Khalessi for a “Denture Replacement” consultation. These people no longer need to suffer in silence. Help us to help them eat what they want to and not what they have to by telling them about us!
Dr Khalessi uses a world leading dental implant system called Nobel Biocareand has over 15 years’ experience in placing dental implants and continues to use this system because of its reputation in the market place. He can provide patients with a full set of teeth fixed in place by dental implants without the frustrations and discomfort associated with poorly-fitting dentures.
He has successfully treated hundreds of patients and would be more than happy to provide references upon request. Alternatively, visit our video testimonials page on our website, www.smileabout.co.uk to hear what our patients have to say about this life-changing procedure!
For more information or to book a consultation simply phone our client management team on tel. 01730 263180 or email on info@smileabout.co.uk.
For further information or advice contact College Street Dental Centre in Petersfield, Hampshire on 01730 263180