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It's not to ChocoLATE to look after your child's mouth this Easter!


Updated: Dec 18, 2018

Some fun chocolate egg facts:

Chocolate eggs, the most popular of Easter confectionary, were first made in Europe in the early 19th century and remain among the most popular treats associated with Easter.

After Halloween, Easter is the second top-selling confectionery holiday followed by Christmas and Valentine's Day.

Approx. 90 million chocolate Easter Bunnies are made every easter.

According to 76% of people surveyed, the ears on chocolate bunnies should be eaten first.

Around 16 billion jellybeans are made for Easter; many of them are hidden in baskets. If all the Easter jellybeans were lined end-to-end, they would circle the globe nearly three times.

The tallest chocolate easter egg measured 10.39m (34ft 1.05in) in height and was made by Tosca (Italy). It was measured at Le Acciaierie Shopping Centre, in Cortenuova, Italy on 16 April 2011. The chocolate Easter egg weighed 7,200kg and had a circumference of 19.6m (64.3 ft) at its widest point.

The largest easter egg hunt consisted of 501,000 eggs that were searched for by 9,753 children in Florida, USA, on 1 April 2007.

Every child in the UK receives an average of 8.8 Easter eggs every year – double their recommended calorie intake for a whole week.

In 2007, an Easter egg covered in diamonds sold for almost £9 million.

Sales at Easter time make up 10 per cent of UK chocolate spending for the whole year.

the average time for children to eat their first Easter egg is 11am on Easter Sunday morning.

Almost one in five children (19 per cent) say they’ve made themselves ill by eating too much chocolate over the Easter holidays.

Some not so fun Dental Facts related to Chocolate Consumption:

  • Britain is in the top five for the amount of chocolate consumption rate in Europe.

  • It is thought that because dark chocolate is high in cocoa content it has oral health benefits.

  • Two-thirds of 16-24 year olds say chocolate is the food most likely to make them smile.

  • Tooth Decay has already affected 30% of children upon starting school

  • It is not the amount of Easter eggs eaten that cause tooth decay but how often they are consumed.

  • Whenever your child eats anything sugary, their teeth will be under attack for up to one hour.

  • Sugar causes the bacteria in plaque to produce acids. These acids attack children's tooth enamel and cause tooth decay.

  • Confectionery bars in Easter eggs containing fondants and caramel are potentially more damaging to teeth than the chocolate egg.

  • Sugar-free Easter eggs are available to buy.

For further information or advice contact College Street Dental Centre in Petersfield, Hampshire on 01730 263180


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